FAQ'sFrequently Asked QuestionsShipping & Handling 1. When will my order be sent? - Order by 3pm for Same Day Dispatch - Order after 3pm, sent next working day. 2. How can I track my order? - A tracking code will sent via email - UK: Tracking confirms delivery - International: Tracking confirms location/delivery. 3. Where is my order, internationally shipping, postal services used? - See Delivery Terms 4. How do I buy/use a Gift Voucher? - See Gift Vouchers Cancellations/Returns 1. Can I cancel/change my order? - Contact us as quickly as possible - Orders are processed and packaged immediately. Changes may not be possible, however orders can be returned within 14 days of arrival if new and unused. 2. How can I return my order for a refund/exchange? - See Returns Policy 3. My order has arrived damaged or is wrong? - Contact us to initiate a return Payment 1. What payment methods are accepted? - Credit/Debit Cards, Paypal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Klarna I have an unanswered question? - Contact us |